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  • Writer's pictureBrent Nevy

Rambling Autobiography

Updated: Feb 1, 2018

I’m Brent Nevy. I was born on the 21st of February, 2002, in Baltimore, Maryland. I grew up and still live in Garnet Valley, which is outside of Philadelphia. I’ve gone through lots of changes in my life, so that me only a few years back looks almost unrecognisable to me in terms of interests and personality. I enjoy reading, although I prefer to write. I do a bit of drawing. I got into music less than two years ago, and so I now have pretty good skills on a keyboard. I listen to ELO, the Beach Boys, Supertramp, and Queen. I’ve composed some music myself as well. I love science and history. Oddly enough, I'm particularly into things that have to do with finding stuff from the ground; that includes paleontology, archaeology, and geology. I have had a pet turtle for many years now. My favourite colour is green. I like English, and I’m fluent in it by now. I know fair deals of German, and I’m trying to pick up some Latin and Polish too....

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